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Diocesan Annual Appeal

The 2014 Diocesan Annual Appeal is now underway.  Your gifts to the Annual Appeal help our friends and neighbors in the eleven counties in our Diocese.  Your thoughtful consideration of a gift helps support the important ministries of our local Church, including:


Catholic Social Services and Parish Outreach – 12%

In providing comfort, aid and support to those who are suffering hardships in our community, we continue to join in the healing mission of the Church. Gifts to the Diocesan Annual Appeal sustain a wide array of social service programs through Catholic Social Services that provide direct services to the poor and those in need through the provision of food, shelter and counseling. New this year, gifts to the Appeal will also support community outreach programs in our parish communities that serve our sisters and brothers in need of a helping hand.


Catholic Education in Schools and Parishes – 17%

Paramount to the mission of the Diocese of Scranton is our commitment to offer an academically rich, Catholic values-based education to students attending our Catholic schools and strong parish-based religious education programs for our children. Gifts to the Diocesan Annual Appeal sustain and grow our Catholic schools by providing a quality education to our students that is spiritually sound and grounded in faith, justice, service and compassion. Religious education programs in our parishes teach the Gospel, celebrate the Sacraments and encourage a full and active faith focused on serving others.


Clergy Formation, Education, and Support – 24%

It is essential that our ordained priests and deacons are able to meet the growing sacramental and spiritual needs of the faithful within the Diocese of Scranton. Appeal gifts received for this purpose support the formation of men studying for a life of ordained ministry, provide ongoing formation for clergy currently serving in the Diocese of Scranton, and help meet the needs of our retired clergy who continue to faithfully serve our Diocesan Community.


Parish Life and Ministry Formation – 22%

While each of us is a member of the “larger Church”, we find consistent and regular expression of our faith in our parishes. It is within our local parish community that we most deeply encounter Christ in the sacraments, receive counsel and support, and are formed in the faith. Parish Life programs focused on worship, word, community and service provide formation and spiritual enrichment opportunities designed to increase involvement of the faithful to more fully experience the call to be servant leaders.


Catholic Media and Communications – 17%

Each of us are called to evangelize – to carry the message and values of the Gospel, joyfully, to our brothers and sisters in faith. Through the Diocesan Annual Appeal, varied Diocesan media such as The Catholic Light, the Diocesan website, and Catholic Television receive essential funding that enables them to both inspire and inform the faithful in the Diocese of Scranton.


Diocesan Annual Appeal Expenses – 8%

It is important to reach out to members of our Diocesan community to request support for the Diocesan Annual Appeal. A percentage of the Diocesan Annual Appeal is used for the financial resources needed to develop and execute Diocesan fundraising efforts.

Please visit http://www.annualappeal.org/ to donate or make your pledge to the Annual Appeal today!


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