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Living Rosary

On Sunday, April 22nd the children of the Religious Education Program created a Living Rosary in the Church prior to the 10:30 Mass.  The children encircled the interior of the church and recited the rosary along with members of the parish and many family members.  Each child held a carnation that they placed in vases at the end of the prayer in front of the Blessed Mother.  Children from First to Seventh grade participated in this event which we hope to do annually.  This was also the last Children's Mass for the school year and the celebration of the end of the Religious Education School year.  All grades participated in the Mass which was followed by an Ice Cream Social in the Parish Hall.

Second Grade/First Communion Class will conclude with the First Communion Retreat and Mass next Saturday, April 28th.

Please click on Photo galleries above for more photos of this event.


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