Browsing Blog

Marion Award

 Queen of the ApostlesMarion Award


Each year our young people in graduation high school are recognized for their service to the Church and the community.  This year’s Marion Award presentation will be made on May 20th at the 10:30 a.m. Mass.  A Luncheon will follow at Colarusso’s Restaurant in Avoca.  A cash gift, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in memory of Miss Florence Stinson, is given to each recipient.


In keeping with the pastoral vision, expressed by our Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, we seek to recognize youth contributions in areas of Word, Worship, Community and Service.  Recipients are asked to write an essay detailing why they should receive this recognition.  Information on the reverse provides some basis for the essay


Students who have provided us with their essay will receive an invitation to the Mass and Luncheon.  Families will also be invited along with their son/daughter.  Thank you for your prompt and thoughtful response.  If you have any questions please feel free to email or call the rectory at 570-457-3412 or staff@queenoftheapostles.com


With kind regards,

Phillip J. Sladicka, Pastor

Jeanette Gronski, President, Women’s Guild










In your essay note your name, address, school you attend and future plans.  Please detail your qualifications as a recipient of the Marion Award.  Mention any of the activities for which you have made significant contributions.  You are encouraged to add anything that applies specifically to you and your involvement.  Please keep your letter to two pages.  Essays are to be returned to the Parish office by Friday, May 11, 2018.


·       Participation in Parish Catechetical Program

·       Eucharistic and/or Rosary Devotions

·       Respect for the Sanctity of Life

·       Study of the Bible

·       Parish or Regional Youth Ministry

·       Parish or Diocesan Retreat, Prayer experiences

·       Summer Vacation Bible School

·       Parish Summer Picnic

·       Parish or School Alter Server, lector, cantor, greeter or any liturgical ministry

·       Human service activities

·       Volunteer with social services

·       Scout Religious emblems

·       Parish or School Community Service Activities

·       Parish Pastoral Council Representative

·       Catholic School leadership role

·       Other areas of commitment




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