Baby Bottles help support the Pro Life work done by the Scranton Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life. Parishioners and visitors are welcome to take a bottle home to fill with spare change, bills or check. Your contributions to the Baby Bottle Project help the Chapter’s work in many areas (ex. Distribution of free pro life literature to the general public, providing information and referral to women in crisis pregnancies and signs throughout our area promoting respect for human life).
Baby Bottles may be returned anytime during the weekend Masses in the basket in front of the baptismal font, at the side entrance or dropped off at the rectory. If you did not receive a Baby Bottle and would like to make a donation to this project, please contact the parish office or simply put your donation in an envelope marked “Baby Bottle Project” and drop in the Sunday Collection Basket.
The deadline for bottle or donation return is Father’s Day, June 17th.
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